Community Pharmacy


WRaPT were asked to work with a Community Pharmacy provider and present a view on how the service could use WRaPT to model changes in workforce, activity and efficiency.

The Challenge

The WRaPT team was asked to:

  • Identify areas where data quality could be improved
  • Provide a platform for the alignment of activity data with Pharmacy workforce
  • Enable the ability to review existing working practices and identify areas of improvement
  • Produce a set of example or stock roles which can be used in future models reducing the work required for Pharmacy modelling in future

Our Approach

The Outcome

Community Pharmacy

I found the WRaPT process useful, I have never before considered my pharmacy work flow and staffing in a systematic way. Our discussion made me think objectively about people’s roles and responsibilities for more efficient working – I changed staff rotas following the work. I looked objectively at my roles and time to define management, business and professional roles and considered which of these could be modified.

Linda Bracewell, Baxenden Pharmacy

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The WRaPT team is available to support your organisation with workforce transformation using the WRaPT Tool. Simply contact the team to discuss further: